Thursday, May 31, 2012

Segalanya hebat

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang Sejak belakangan ini, diriku tidak terlepas dari mencemburui segala macam kehebatan yang dilihat, didengar dan diceritakan. Ya, cemburu. Masakan tidak? Melihat sahabat yang berpeluang menikmati segala keindahan alam di rantauan. Sungguh, diri ini juga inginkan perkara yang sama. Mendengar...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Life begins... again:)

It had been long since I last updated this blog- more than a month. Frankly, I got a lot of things to say but somehow I didn't put it up here. It is too late for me to comment on the past exam. It was not good but I am more than grateful to pass and spend the holidays with my beloved family. Lots of things had happened and they taught me a lot about life especially to treasure every second of my life and be grateful of whatever I have at present. Most important is to bring the best out of everyth...

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