Friday, November 22, 2013



Alhamdulillah, malam semalam berkesempatan mendengar pengisian dari Ustaz Emran bertajuk Titipan Rasulullah s.a.w. buat wanita

Ustaz membacakan hadith berikut:

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud : “Aku melihat ke dalam Syurga maka aku melihat kebanyakan penghuninya adalah fuqara’ (orang-orang fakir) dan aku melihat ke dalam Neraka maka aku menyaksikan kebanyakan penghuninya adalah wanita.” (Hadis Riwayat Al- Bukhari dan Muslim) 

*yang berikut merupakan pemahaman saya, bukan verbatim dari kata-kata ustaz

Ada beberapa sebab kenapa golongan fakir ramai di dalam syurga.
Pertamanya, mereka tidak berharta, sesuatu yang bakal dihisab oleh Allah. Harta yang menjadi kesenangan di dunia bakal dihisab dengan berat di akhirat kelak. Disoal akan sumbernya, ke mana dibelanjakannya, apa yang dimanfaatkan dari harta itu? Andai harta halal pun begitu berat amanahnya, inikan pula harta yang haram, diperoleh dari hasil penipuan, dari cara-cara yang bertentangan dengan syariat. Moga Allah memudahkan hisab kita di akhirat kelak.

Keduanya, golongan fakir ini banyak bersabar atas kesusahan yang menimpanya. Kasih Allah s.w.t. kepada hamba-Nya dizahirkan dalam bentuk ujian. Lebih banyak ujian yang ditempuhi, lebih tinggi darjatnya. Ujian itu menggugurkan dosa. Ujian itu membuka pintu-pintu hidayah Allah s.w.t. Kesenangan dunia tidak bermakna di sisi Allah. Berharta bukan bererti disayangi Allah. Senang dari ujian tidak bermaksud dihujani dengan rahmat dan redha Allah. Semoga Allah mengurniakan kita kesabaran, ketabahan dan kekuatan untuk mendepani sebarang ujian yang menimpa.

 Mengapa sikitnya wanita di dalam syurga? Pokok pangkalnya, ada dua golongan yang bersalah. Lelaki, kerana gagal menjaga amanah Allah s.w.t. Dayus dalam mendidik isteri dan anak-anak perempuan. Perempuan, kerana kalah dengan hawa nafsu sendiri. 

Wanita merupakan amanah yang perlu dipelihara oleh Allah s.w.t. dan pemeliharaan ini turut bermaksud dari azab api neraka. Secara ringkasnya, memelihara dari perkara-perkara yang mencampakkan golongan ini ke dalam api neraka. Sejelas-jelas musuh bagi wanita ialah hawa nafsu. Bagaimana hendak mendidik wanita? Dengan membayangkan kesenangan akhirat itu lebih daripada kesenangan dunia. Yakni dengan merasakan kesusahan. Mencontohi sahabiah terdahulu. Saidatina Fatimah r.a. tidak pernah memiliki khadam/pembantu sepanjang hidupnya. Zikrullah dijadikan bekalan menggantikan pembantu. Asma' Abu Bakr hidup dalam kesusahan tetapi penuh kesabaran dan ketabahan serta sentiasa tetap memelihara hati suami.

Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas r.a., gabenor kota Homs (di Syam) semasa pemerintahan Umar al-Khattab r.a., merupakan orang yang paling miskin dalam bandarnya walaupun beliau ialah gabenor. Harta milikannya hanyalah rumah kosong, satu periuk dan dua helai persalinan. Dalam seminggu, dua hari beliau akan hilang, apabila ditanya Saidina Umar r.a., beliau menggunakan dua hari tersebut untuk mencuci persalinan beliau. Subhanallah.
*tertampar dengan diri yang terlalu banyak perkara yang tidak pun benar-benar diperlukan*

Secara ringkasnya, wanita suka menurutkan hati dan perasaan melebihi perkara yang membawa ke syurga. Membaca novel cinta sehingga lupa pada al-Furqan. Marathon drama sehingga lupa akan kewajipan. Menurutkan nafsu membeli melebihi keperluan. Sehinggakan perkara agama dan syariat pun diturutkan nafsu. Hanya mengikuti pengisian agama yang turut mengandungi elemen hiburan, yang menampilkan artis-artis, yang tidak begitu serius dan penuh dengan lawak jenaka. Bukan salah sepenuhnya, tapi apabila menolak perkara-perkara yang serius, yang tidak lagi boleh bergelak ketawa, bukankah itu memilih-milih dalam beragama? Memilih yang mahu, menolak yang sukar? Astaghfirullah, moga Allah kurniakan kita kebaikan dengan kefahaman dalam beragama serta mengamalkannya.

Maka, dalam mendidik wanita, hendaklah dirasakan kesusahan kepada mereka. Bukan tidak memberikan keperluan dan sebagainya, tapi membiarkan isteri atau anak-anak turut merasakan kesusahan sedikit sebanyak. Bukan semua permintaan boleh diturutkan. Bukan semua kehendak boleh dipenuhi. Dalam mengajar indahnya akhirat, hendaklah diajarkan indahnya dunia ini sementara, susahnya di dunia juga sementara. Akhirat yang abadi itu destinasi akhir. Allahua'lam.

Islam hadir mengangkat martabat wanita
*jom jadi susah-proof i.e. tahan susah*

Sunday, November 10, 2013

a gold mine. or a diamond mine

with the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

I am fortunate to be able to listen to a talk by Sheikh Mirza Yawar Baig entitled the Purpose of Life.

It is short yet concise. It sounds simple but very practical. It is a good reminder for me who had been enduring everyday rather than enjoying the days.

I shall try not to make it long.

He made it clear from the start that medical practitioners should have a genuine reason which is to please Allah. It is not to make money. There are two professions which are called the gold mining or diamond mining. Medicine. Teaching. Why? From the moment you day commences, you had started making deeds. A smile to the patients is a deeds. Learning things to treat people properly is deeds. Your treatment is a deeds. In short, every breath you make is a  form of deeds. You are able to increase your account with Allah without doing extra. Teaching is the same. But when these two professions are being commercialized, corruption seeps in. The basis of corruption around the world starts from commercialization of these two profession. Healthcare is made into a money-making industry. Teachers teach because of money. There is nothing wrong looking forward to your salary, etc. but it is wrong when money become *the reason* you do your job. One would start prescribing unnecessary stuff to get more profit. hmmm, this is surely a thought to ponder upon.

The basis of medical practise should be based on two things: 1)to please Allah; 2) for the welfare of the patients.

And by point no.2 is not just about coming to a good clinical diagnosis and prescribing drugs but it is about how you treat the patient. Doctors are not vending machine for drugs. A doctor should not only understand the patient but also to make him/her feel understood. Doctor should listen when by listening gives relief to the patient. The most important thing is doing things the best possible way. At the end of the day, doctors could be a doa-creating machine. Your patients pray for you even after they no longer see you, perhaps even after your death. In sha Allah.

The rules of life is simple.

The first one is to know that the purpose of life is to worship Allah. Allah did not mention that the purpose of our creation is specifically to perform solah, or Hajj, or reciting al-Quran. But to worship Him. And how do we do that? By following the sunnah. Sunnah is simply doing things the way the Prophet p.b.u.h. did it. If we were to be loved by Allah, then it is to follow the Sunnah. And there are a lot to follow the love of Allah s.w.t. including His forgiveness.

Finally, don't ruin this awesome opportunity by forgetting Allah, by making money out of medicine.

*the above is just my understanding of the talk. the words are not exactly the same as what I heard from Syeikh*

*terharu sangat. rasa sedih sebab dah membazirkan banyak ruang dan peluang. bila dengar kisah seorang doktor yang akan mendoakan setiap seorang pesakitnya dan menyebut nama mereka dalam tahajjudnya setiap malam, lebih-lebih lagi rasa haru tu*


Monday, November 4, 2013

Post date


I am officially in my fifth week of posting. The best thing is that the week was started with an awesome call with this prominent Prof. The worst thing is that I am as if a preterm though the EDD is just around the corner.

Over these few weeks, I had learnt quite a number of things. Hopefully, this entry would be a nice booster for me later on:)

-Circumstances 1:

Everytime I ask questions, you would first read your notebook. Why can't you answer? I am asking basic questions. You don't get into the university because you can read. If that is the case, then I can just let the 7 or 8 year old child get into the university.
“There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud.” ~Carl Sandburg

-Circumstances 2:
As muslims, we must read and memorize Al-Quran but there are more to it. We need to understand each and every statement therein. That is basics and it is to be applied to our daily life. To read, to memorize and to understand. To challenge and to question. That was what the first thing revealed to our prophet. Iqra'. And Allah SWT had challenged us to find any error, mistake or flaw in the Quran. The same thing applies in medicine. Do not read and memorize and blindly accept things. Question and understand it. What basics is basics and required of you.

-Circumstances 3:
Me: If I am not mistaken.
Lecturer: Don't tell me if you are not mistaken. You need to know your stuff.

*It's true. I need to things for certain. Ain't I?

-Circumstances 4:
In cases of abuse, putting the perpetrator (in this case, the father) behind bars is not going to solve everything. If the family is dependant on him, what is left for the family? Nothing. Even if social welfare can help with the food. How would they pay anything? It is for the whole family you know!

*Human law is never perfect. That is why we need lots of laws- quoted.
To me, the story Les Miserables depict this really well.

-Circumstances 5:
What's wrong with you?

True enough. There is nothing wrong but something is not right (T.T)
It had dawned on me over and over again that I am lousy and lagging behind. Yet, I still find time to comfortably lie down and had a good night sleep with adequate oral intake and amusement. I am glad that these reminders keep on coming that I would somehow cross the lines and get out of this comfort zone.

p/s: can anyone help me with this denial problem?

Missing the lecturer who would make you laugh but never has limit to share knowledge and wisdom, the lecturer who would nag and remind you like your mother does, the lecturer who would scold you like s/he would never get such a chance again. In short, I am missing these precious people who contributed a lot to whatever goodness I have in me.

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