I was just telling myself : Life always has its way to tease you at your sore spot.
and to add to that: and it often happens when you just about to feel things are going right.
I guess it is The Almighty's way to remind you that your life is only for Him.
and your ultimate aim is the Hereafter - which will last for eternity.
Just like relapses and remissions.
Ups and downs in life.
There are times you were defeated - by circumstances, by fate, by diseases. Just like when someone has relapses. I am sure no one wants any calamity to befall them.
And then we get better. We get stronger. We become wiser. Things are better.
For a while.
Then there will be challenges again. And perhaps I realised this too late - that this cycle will never end.
"This too shall pass".
Either by good moments followed by terrible ones, or vice versa.
Often I felt defeated - totally. And I feel like giving up. But then I realised I have no way to go - except giving my best. That I can only do my best not to let life beats me down. Until I have my last breath.
Life is hard. So be it.
Life is unfair. Since when this world is just?
Life is tiring. Don't we age by living?
But life is also full of vigour.
Life is also beautiful.
Life also throws things that make you smile.
So let's be grateful over those :)
After all, we all were looking for that beautiful ending.
So may all of us are granted with beautiful patience.
Assassination classroom; Koro-sensei |