Sunday, October 9, 2011

let's think about it

Assalamualaikum~Pernah sekali pensyarahku(ni mestilah Pakar) bertanya:"How to differentiate between face presentation and breech presentation?"Seorang amatur(saya la ni :P) pun jawab: Breech lembut, sebab ada buttocks.Pensyarah: Unreliable. Pipi baby pun lembut. Tembam:DPelajar: *sigh*. Breech ad lubang- anus.Pensyarah: Face presentation ada mulut- lubang jugak. *muka puas hati*Pelajar: *tembak je la*. Face presentation ada dua mata. Breech xde.Pensyarah: *muka risau*. Takkan awak nk jolok jari awak dalam mata baby tu? Bahaya. You should never...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Memories are meant to be treasured

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.My posting now officially ends. Of course, I am already in the study week. Now comes the marathon of the two postings. Thus, I would like to compile the lessons I learnt from my lecturers throughout these few weeks. Perhaps some are missing, for I might have forgotten them and before the rest get faded away, let me engrave them...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

~a comeback~

Peace be upon those who seek Guidance and Blessings from the Almighty It had been a while since I kept the promise made to myself- to update this blog once a month. Yup, since the last entry, it was three months which nearly made up my whole semester. A crap one, I would say. A crap semester full with crap performance and excuses, just like a crab failing to walk straight. Countless reflections were done but nothing seems to change. Why is this??? I am truly sorry for such negativity but at this moment in time, I feel the urge to voice this out...

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