Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I am worried and I bet you too

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Just recently, I heard a news from my friend. A close friend she is. Though we knew that the news was never impossible but it still struck worries in our minds and hearts. She never told me she is worried, nor does she ever show it. This is just my assumption for I was restless ever since I heard the news. And so I made...

Of a camp and an organization

Bismillah walhamdulillah, May Allah shower us with His blessings Praise to the Almighty for giving me the chance of being in Tasik Chini for a camp, with my fellow beloved colleagues. It was a great camp ^^. Thanks a bunch to the organiser:) Initially, upon planning for the camp at the beginning of the session, I was really really excited *honest*....

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Ni bukan tentang Sesame Street.. Tapi nak citer, belakangan ni, emosi melimpah ruah. Mengapakah??? Cumanya, Pemerhatian saya terhadap hidup sendiri Membolehkan saya membuat beberapa kesimpulan/pendapat Kehidupan ni memang ada turun naiknya- merujuk kepada perasaanNi maksudnya… kalau kita sedih lebih2, mesti...

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