Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I am worried and I bet you too

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Just recently, I heard a news from my friend. A close friend she is. Though we knew that the news was never impossible but it still struck worries in our minds and hearts. She never told me she is worried, nor does she ever show it. This is just my assumption for I was restless ever since I heard the news. And so I made this entry.

Though you and I are both worried, let us focus on other things so that worry won't bother us as much. Like you said: "xyah fikirlah". Still, let us both pray that it will ends with the best possibility and most importantly, showered with Allah's blessings and love.

I am very much useless when it comes to soothing other people, very much so when words often got stuck at my vocal cords. I am truly sorry for being such a friend but I promise that I will pray for you all the time. To worry is part of being human. I have no power to allay that anxiety (I am not an anaesthetist) but Allah has everything to do anything He want.

I am not sure if my admission of this worry would elevate your worries and I am truly sorry if that happens. But the truth is that I don't want you to feel all alone and keep everything to yourself. Don't hesitate to worry me, because that just reminds me of how much I care about you ;')

I shall say no more as I am afraid it helps nothing but distress you more. I dedicate this poem for you and I(though it was something I got from the Net):

Don't Quit when the tide is lowest,
For it's just about to turn;
Don't quit over doubts and questions,
For there's something you may learn.
Don't quit when the the night is darkes,
For it's just a while 'til dawn;
Don't quit when you've the farthest,
For the race is almost won.
Don't quit when the hill is steepest,
For your goal is almost nigh;
Don't quit, for you're not a failure
Until you fail to try.

Of a camp and an organization

Bismillah walhamdulillah,

May Allah shower us with His blessings

Praise to the Almighty for giving me the chance of being in Tasik Chini for a camp, with my fellow beloved colleagues. It was a great camp ^^. Thanks a bunch to the organiser:)

Initially, upon planning for the camp at the beginning of the session, I was really really excited *honest*. So that was the spirit until one week before going to the camp. The mood changed for a few reasons: i) I was kind of annoyed for a few changes- though I knew that this was nobody's fault ii) I had been waiting long enough that the wait was tiresome iii) *the most important* I was so overwhelmed by the unlimited things-to-do ever since this session started(with the hectic posting, wholesale, bla3). In fact, I was just fortunate to be able to complete my case report before going to the camp [even though it actually caused a 30-minute-delay - sorry guys!!! (=.=') ]

To my surprise, these reasons taught me great lessons: 1)Though Allah's plan is the best, it is partly our job to do our best in planning too*the organiser did well this time~ well done!* 2)Waiting is torture but it gives extra sweetness to the things you had been waiting for ^^ 3) Never ever do your task last minute even though you will be able to pull it through - or even if you are a super woman :p [I had been learning this for a long time but it hardly sticks to my mind]

I hardly had any enjoyable, really-fun-throughout camp for a couple of years, not until last weekend :D

This particular camp that I gave me a wider view of my friends and their characters. I might not be right for whatever I thought of them but somehow it is nice to know other people better right? *xkenal maka xcinta* Perhaps they saw the unseen part of me too, who knows? After all, I really hoped that they really enjoyed the camp and my presence(chewah, cm organiser la plak).

We might have things that did not go according to our plan but that is just fine:) Don't you think that that actually let us have more fun? I hope this happiness lasts forever and that it will cherish our cooperation even more despite of the hurdles we will be facing ahead!

A soft reminder: we might have no reason to do something or perhaps countless reasons and explanations for whatever action we take but let us do anything for the sake of Allah:)

Tasik Chini- xsempat nk dengar cter tentang Naga kt situ

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Ni bukan tentang Sesame Street.. Tapi nak citer, belakangan ni, emosi melimpah ruah.

Pemerhatian saya terhadap hidup sendiri
Membolehkan saya membuat beberapa kesimpulan/pendapat

  1. Kehidupan ni memang ada turun naiknya- merujuk kepada perasaan
    Ni maksudnya… kalau kita sedih lebih2, mesti akan gembira dan jugak sebaliknya. 
    Kalau kta rasa bersemangat, mesti kita pun pernah rasa kecewa/x bersemangat. Betul x?

    Contohnya, ada satu hari ni, da rancang macam2. Nak g jalan dgn kwn, pastu nk selesaikan urusan ni, pastu nk ziarah pulak, dll. Ringkasnya, cantik da percaturan untuk hari tersebut. Tapi cantiknya percaturan yang Maha Kuasa, kawan tetiba ada hal, ada perkara yg xlengkap untuk membolehkan urusan tu diselesaikan dan akhirnya, walaupun hati ini pasrah dan redha… bertakung jugakla kejap lepas tu.. :'( *saya insan yang hina lagi lemah, harap faham*

    Mula2 tu terlintas kt hati, kalau betul hati ni redha, mengapa masih menangis? Pastu terfikir pulak, aku ni xdapat sikit pun dah nangis, apalah sangat dibandingkan dengan perjuangan dan pengorbanan kanak-kanak di Palestin? Terasa hina dan kerdilnya diri ini…*lagi teruk jadinya nangis tuh* mesti klik sini

    Lepas tu, teringat pulak tulisan seorang sahabat ni… bahawa perasaan kita ini juga makhluk Allah. Yang wujud dengan izin-Nya…

    Xtahula kalau pemikiran saya ni betul ke x, tapi diri ini berpendapat bahawa andainya dirimu ingin menangis, maka menangislah, jika ingin menahannya, maka bertahanlah. Tak salah pun mana-mana.
      Tangisan itu bukanlah sesuatu yang buruk tapi xbermakna tidak menangis bermaksud hatimu keras. Pastinya ada sebab seseorang tu menangis ataupun cuba untuk tidak menangis.

    Yang penting, jangan terlalu terbawa-bawa oleh perasaan tu sehingga membawa mudarat. Dah nangis tu, cukupla kan? Allah tahu :) Takkan nak nangis sampai ke tua ;) Teruskan hidup dengan sebaiknya.

    Memandangkan da cakap tentang perkara ni, nak berceloteh sikit tentang malas. Saya x nafikan yg diri ini juga dibelenggu penyakit malas. Tapi jangan jadikan itu alasan untuk tidak rajin. Huhu, pening x penyataan tuh? Maksudnya, macam menangis tadi, kta da sedar, xkan selamanya nak malas kan? Bila kita ingat tu, jauh2kan diri dari sifat malas tu. Kita ingat kata2 motivasi, ingat tanggungjawab kita,
      kebaikan kita berusaha dan keburukan kita terus kekal dalam kemalasan. Sesungguhnya malas itu senjata syaitan. Mahukah kita tercedera sepanjang masa?

  1. Allah itu Maha Kaya lagi Penyayang

    Perkara ni berkait rapat dengan no (1)

    Bila saya sedih, pasti hiburan dari-Nya kan menjelma. Namun bila diri ini alpa dalam kegembiraan, tidak luput peringatan untuk mengingatkanku kepada-Nya. Baikkan Allah?

    Macam dlm lagu '1,2,3,4 - Aris Ariwatan'

    Andai kau beroleh bahagia, ingat itu bukan untuk selamanya…

    Andai kau dalam sengsara, ingat itu bukan untuk selamanya…

    Hidup ini sementara...

    Macam tadi nak melawat buah hati kesayangan tp akhirnya xjadi sebab xde teman:'( Tapi siapa sangka Allah datangkan diorg ni depan mata? Indahnya percaturan Allah:) Dari tangis berubah menjadi senyuman yang tidak luput meskipun telah lama masa berlalu.
    *penafian: buah hati ni bukan dari kalangan berlainan jantina yg ajnabi ye*-utk elak fitnah

Hati ini hanya perlu yakin bahawa setiap ketentuannya adalah yang terbaik:D Maka dengan itu, SEGALAnya akan menjadi yang terbaik:) insyaAllah

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