Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
This entry is dedicated to a friend of mine, who in her despair, enlightened me, in a very subtle way, by making me feels that I am indeed, a friend. In a way, this entry is also a reminder for me, one who forgets.
When one faces danger, he/she has to choose: to run or to fight. Either way, there are further options. Just one thing is definite- whatever happens and will happen, were long ago written in Luh Mahfuz, by the Creator, Allah the Almighty.
When one feels sad and also helpless, for sure would want something to hold on, to cling on to. Most often, we look for someone or something, instead of the Only One, Allah.
When one is depressed, he/she may want to let go everything, so the depression will go away as well. Very easily, one may forget, those things will go away only if, yup, only if Allah allows.
For you may think that Allah is cruel for making things in such way, perhaps because you forget that Allah makes all the other nice things as well.
Family and friends for you to love, care and be with, through thick and thin. Enemy, from whom you learn lessons and for every single human being, only one enemy is definite: the Satan/Iblis. Undeniably, they are all Allah's creation.
Just remember that everything happens for a reason though at the moment, we only know the bitter part. I am sorry if I have done nothing to help you in any way but I want you to know that I have never feel any better when you, my friend, made me feel like I am a real friend:)
Just like the powerpuff girls, everyone has each role, be you Blossom, Bubble or Buttercup, you are who you are and you have the rest of the team to help you in time of need. So dear, it is ok to feel what you are feeling now, coz that is just a solid proof that you are a normal being;).
Nk kongsi satu hadis ni, harap bermanfaat untuk semua:
Diriwayatkan dari Abu 'Abbas 'Abdillah bin 'Abbas r.a., ia berkata: Suatu hari, aku berada di belakang Rasulullah s.a.w., lalu beliau bersabda: "Wahai anak! Aku hendak mengajarmu beberapa perkataan; Jagalah Allah maka Ia akan menjagamu; jagalah Allah nescaya engkau dapati Ia mengukuhkanmu; bila engkau meminta, pintalah kepada Allah; bila engkau memohon pertolongan, pohonlah pertolongan kepada Allah. Ketahuilah behawa jika seluruh umat ini berkumpul untuk memberikan sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagimu, maka mereka tidak akan boleh memberi manfaat kepadamu kecuali dengan sesuatau yang telah ditetapkan Allah untukmu. Dan jika seluruh umat ini berkumpul untuk memudharatkanmu dengan sesuatu, maka mereka tidak akan boleh memudharatkanmu kecuali dengan sesusatu yang telah ditetapkan Allah terhadapmu. Pena-pena telah diangkat dan lembaran catatan telah ditutup." (diriwayatkan oleh At-Tirmidzi, dan ia berkata: Hadith ini hasan shahih)
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