Friday, November 22, 2013



Alhamdulillah, malam semalam berkesempatan mendengar pengisian dari Ustaz Emran bertajuk Titipan Rasulullah s.a.w. buat wanita

Ustaz membacakan hadith berikut:

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud : “Aku melihat ke dalam Syurga maka aku melihat kebanyakan penghuninya adalah fuqara’ (orang-orang fakir) dan aku melihat ke dalam Neraka maka aku menyaksikan kebanyakan penghuninya adalah wanita.” (Hadis Riwayat Al- Bukhari dan Muslim) 

*yang berikut merupakan pemahaman saya, bukan verbatim dari kata-kata ustaz

Ada beberapa sebab kenapa golongan fakir ramai di dalam syurga.
Pertamanya, mereka tidak berharta, sesuatu yang bakal dihisab oleh Allah. Harta yang menjadi kesenangan di dunia bakal dihisab dengan berat di akhirat kelak. Disoal akan sumbernya, ke mana dibelanjakannya, apa yang dimanfaatkan dari harta itu? Andai harta halal pun begitu berat amanahnya, inikan pula harta yang haram, diperoleh dari hasil penipuan, dari cara-cara yang bertentangan dengan syariat. Moga Allah memudahkan hisab kita di akhirat kelak.

Keduanya, golongan fakir ini banyak bersabar atas kesusahan yang menimpanya. Kasih Allah s.w.t. kepada hamba-Nya dizahirkan dalam bentuk ujian. Lebih banyak ujian yang ditempuhi, lebih tinggi darjatnya. Ujian itu menggugurkan dosa. Ujian itu membuka pintu-pintu hidayah Allah s.w.t. Kesenangan dunia tidak bermakna di sisi Allah. Berharta bukan bererti disayangi Allah. Senang dari ujian tidak bermaksud dihujani dengan rahmat dan redha Allah. Semoga Allah mengurniakan kita kesabaran, ketabahan dan kekuatan untuk mendepani sebarang ujian yang menimpa.

 Mengapa sikitnya wanita di dalam syurga? Pokok pangkalnya, ada dua golongan yang bersalah. Lelaki, kerana gagal menjaga amanah Allah s.w.t. Dayus dalam mendidik isteri dan anak-anak perempuan. Perempuan, kerana kalah dengan hawa nafsu sendiri. 

Wanita merupakan amanah yang perlu dipelihara oleh Allah s.w.t. dan pemeliharaan ini turut bermaksud dari azab api neraka. Secara ringkasnya, memelihara dari perkara-perkara yang mencampakkan golongan ini ke dalam api neraka. Sejelas-jelas musuh bagi wanita ialah hawa nafsu. Bagaimana hendak mendidik wanita? Dengan membayangkan kesenangan akhirat itu lebih daripada kesenangan dunia. Yakni dengan merasakan kesusahan. Mencontohi sahabiah terdahulu. Saidatina Fatimah r.a. tidak pernah memiliki khadam/pembantu sepanjang hidupnya. Zikrullah dijadikan bekalan menggantikan pembantu. Asma' Abu Bakr hidup dalam kesusahan tetapi penuh kesabaran dan ketabahan serta sentiasa tetap memelihara hati suami.

Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas r.a., gabenor kota Homs (di Syam) semasa pemerintahan Umar al-Khattab r.a., merupakan orang yang paling miskin dalam bandarnya walaupun beliau ialah gabenor. Harta milikannya hanyalah rumah kosong, satu periuk dan dua helai persalinan. Dalam seminggu, dua hari beliau akan hilang, apabila ditanya Saidina Umar r.a., beliau menggunakan dua hari tersebut untuk mencuci persalinan beliau. Subhanallah.
*tertampar dengan diri yang terlalu banyak perkara yang tidak pun benar-benar diperlukan*

Secara ringkasnya, wanita suka menurutkan hati dan perasaan melebihi perkara yang membawa ke syurga. Membaca novel cinta sehingga lupa pada al-Furqan. Marathon drama sehingga lupa akan kewajipan. Menurutkan nafsu membeli melebihi keperluan. Sehinggakan perkara agama dan syariat pun diturutkan nafsu. Hanya mengikuti pengisian agama yang turut mengandungi elemen hiburan, yang menampilkan artis-artis, yang tidak begitu serius dan penuh dengan lawak jenaka. Bukan salah sepenuhnya, tapi apabila menolak perkara-perkara yang serius, yang tidak lagi boleh bergelak ketawa, bukankah itu memilih-milih dalam beragama? Memilih yang mahu, menolak yang sukar? Astaghfirullah, moga Allah kurniakan kita kebaikan dengan kefahaman dalam beragama serta mengamalkannya.

Maka, dalam mendidik wanita, hendaklah dirasakan kesusahan kepada mereka. Bukan tidak memberikan keperluan dan sebagainya, tapi membiarkan isteri atau anak-anak turut merasakan kesusahan sedikit sebanyak. Bukan semua permintaan boleh diturutkan. Bukan semua kehendak boleh dipenuhi. Dalam mengajar indahnya akhirat, hendaklah diajarkan indahnya dunia ini sementara, susahnya di dunia juga sementara. Akhirat yang abadi itu destinasi akhir. Allahua'lam.

Islam hadir mengangkat martabat wanita
*jom jadi susah-proof i.e. tahan susah*

Sunday, November 10, 2013

a gold mine. or a diamond mine

with the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

I am fortunate to be able to listen to a talk by Sheikh Mirza Yawar Baig entitled the Purpose of Life.

It is short yet concise. It sounds simple but very practical. It is a good reminder for me who had been enduring everyday rather than enjoying the days.

I shall try not to make it long.

He made it clear from the start that medical practitioners should have a genuine reason which is to please Allah. It is not to make money. There are two professions which are called the gold mining or diamond mining. Medicine. Teaching. Why? From the moment you day commences, you had started making deeds. A smile to the patients is a deeds. Learning things to treat people properly is deeds. Your treatment is a deeds. In short, every breath you make is a  form of deeds. You are able to increase your account with Allah without doing extra. Teaching is the same. But when these two professions are being commercialized, corruption seeps in. The basis of corruption around the world starts from commercialization of these two profession. Healthcare is made into a money-making industry. Teachers teach because of money. There is nothing wrong looking forward to your salary, etc. but it is wrong when money become *the reason* you do your job. One would start prescribing unnecessary stuff to get more profit. hmmm, this is surely a thought to ponder upon.

The basis of medical practise should be based on two things: 1)to please Allah; 2) for the welfare of the patients.

And by point no.2 is not just about coming to a good clinical diagnosis and prescribing drugs but it is about how you treat the patient. Doctors are not vending machine for drugs. A doctor should not only understand the patient but also to make him/her feel understood. Doctor should listen when by listening gives relief to the patient. The most important thing is doing things the best possible way. At the end of the day, doctors could be a doa-creating machine. Your patients pray for you even after they no longer see you, perhaps even after your death. In sha Allah.

The rules of life is simple.

The first one is to know that the purpose of life is to worship Allah. Allah did not mention that the purpose of our creation is specifically to perform solah, or Hajj, or reciting al-Quran. But to worship Him. And how do we do that? By following the sunnah. Sunnah is simply doing things the way the Prophet p.b.u.h. did it. If we were to be loved by Allah, then it is to follow the Sunnah. And there are a lot to follow the love of Allah s.w.t. including His forgiveness.

Finally, don't ruin this awesome opportunity by forgetting Allah, by making money out of medicine.

*the above is just my understanding of the talk. the words are not exactly the same as what I heard from Syeikh*

*terharu sangat. rasa sedih sebab dah membazirkan banyak ruang dan peluang. bila dengar kisah seorang doktor yang akan mendoakan setiap seorang pesakitnya dan menyebut nama mereka dalam tahajjudnya setiap malam, lebih-lebih lagi rasa haru tu*


Monday, November 4, 2013

Post date


I am officially in my fifth week of posting. The best thing is that the week was started with an awesome call with this prominent Prof. The worst thing is that I am as if a preterm though the EDD is just around the corner.

Over these few weeks, I had learnt quite a number of things. Hopefully, this entry would be a nice booster for me later on:)

-Circumstances 1:

Everytime I ask questions, you would first read your notebook. Why can't you answer? I am asking basic questions. You don't get into the university because you can read. If that is the case, then I can just let the 7 or 8 year old child get into the university.
“There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud.” ~Carl Sandburg

-Circumstances 2:
As muslims, we must read and memorize Al-Quran but there are more to it. We need to understand each and every statement therein. That is basics and it is to be applied to our daily life. To read, to memorize and to understand. To challenge and to question. That was what the first thing revealed to our prophet. Iqra'. And Allah SWT had challenged us to find any error, mistake or flaw in the Quran. The same thing applies in medicine. Do not read and memorize and blindly accept things. Question and understand it. What basics is basics and required of you.

-Circumstances 3:
Me: If I am not mistaken.
Lecturer: Don't tell me if you are not mistaken. You need to know your stuff.

*It's true. I need to things for certain. Ain't I?

-Circumstances 4:
In cases of abuse, putting the perpetrator (in this case, the father) behind bars is not going to solve everything. If the family is dependant on him, what is left for the family? Nothing. Even if social welfare can help with the food. How would they pay anything? It is for the whole family you know!

*Human law is never perfect. That is why we need lots of laws- quoted.
To me, the story Les Miserables depict this really well.

-Circumstances 5:
What's wrong with you?

True enough. There is nothing wrong but something is not right (T.T)
It had dawned on me over and over again that I am lousy and lagging behind. Yet, I still find time to comfortably lie down and had a good night sleep with adequate oral intake and amusement. I am glad that these reminders keep on coming that I would somehow cross the lines and get out of this comfort zone.

p/s: can anyone help me with this denial problem?

Missing the lecturer who would make you laugh but never has limit to share knowledge and wisdom, the lecturer who would nag and remind you like your mother does, the lecturer who would scold you like s/he would never get such a chance again. In short, I am missing these precious people who contributed a lot to whatever goodness I have in me.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


This is among the few that may not be uplifting. I am sorry for such an entry but it is for me to acknowledge my own limitations and setbacks. I think I did it best in writing, so it seems.

There are just times when you are above the sky, feeling great, awesome and happy. Just like Alice in the wonderland. Everything seemed so easy and went on smoothly. You are able to do things well, every difficulties were dealt with very efficiently and all the bad things people did to you just flew by without affecting you. These moments are what I called 'awesomeness which has no limits'. Just like parents and teachers :)

Just like light have darkness, so does everything else.

There are times when you felt you had nothing firm to hold on. You are swaying and about to fall. You are lost but you found everyone else had their path before them and about to depart. Unfortunately, their path are not for you to take. You may or may not try your best to find what is meant for you. But more and more shortcomings set in. The more you try, the harder you fall. Still, you are not letting yourself lie down forever so you stand up again but the cycle repeated itself. In short, you are lost, could not find you own way when everyone else has theirs and you are fighting a losing battle. You lost your strength and your courage and faith are draining away. These moments are what I called 'gloomy black hole'.

The least that I could do is to keep on looking for motivation and support. I am truly sorry to those around me who had to suffer with my bad attitude and performance throughout those gloomy episodes. And I really owe you people for supporting me ^.^ Motivation never lasts so we need to look for it everyday. Most importantly, though this is already a cliché, never lose faith and hope in the Almighty. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


There are quite a number of days to go but I bet it would seem so fast at the end of the posting.

At day 2 of life (in paediatric posting), I had learnt a few lessons. They may seem minute to you but they are undeniably vital to me.

  1. If you have an IQ of sky-high level but you are putting your EQ underneath your own feet, it is either pathetic or awful.
سُبْحَانَكَ لَا عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلَّا مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ [٢:٣٢]
"Glory to Thee, of knowledge We have none, save what Thou Hast taught us: In truth it is Thou Who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom." (2:32)

  1. Things may not be always colourful and bright but there would always be light at the end of the tunnel.
    *perception matters. A lot.
  1. There are just things that you love and dislike. Nevertheless, responsibilities are not to be taken lightly.
  2. A smile could mean nothing but to me, it is everything. 
    (this is especially so when you saw a very malignant lecturer smiled at you; at some point of time, I wonder if that smile was actually a warning :P)
  3. Good times do not last forever but you may cherish them as long as you breathe.
  4. Contemplate and treasure every single second of your life. Your achievements and setbacks are for you to learn and celebrate. Keep up the good work and improve on wherever you can. Nobody is perfect; that is why there is always room for improvement. There is always a lesson to learn. Always.
  5. I am grateful to get a super kind lecturer as my supervisor. I am not going to let it go waste by taking it for granted. Jom semangat:)

    Ada kakak tu pesan, awak da kerja berpuluh-puluh tahun pun tetap akan kena marah. *kena marah bukan alasan untuk patah hati dan putus asa tau!
    walau apapun berlaku, sila senyum ok~

    Cikgu saya pesan, bila cintakan sesuatu, semangat akan hadir bersama. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

to wage a war


It had been a while since I last made an entry. Indeed, procrastination is a thief of time. I had been wanting to write for more than a month but I had not done so until now.

Short entry this is, about a war. With an opponent we know best but often we lost the battle. Ourselves.
The best strategy is to know your opponent. And no one knows us more than ourselves. Right? (I mean human beings, the Almighty know even know the future, He is closer to us than the jugular vein - please refer 50:16)

The irony is, why do we still lose? I mean, myself.
I had a long list of to-do but I did only some. I spent much of my energy and time on 'rest and leisure'. I am still learning to push myself out of the comfort zone. To go beyond my capability. To get myself grilled and baked. I am so sorry that I did not do much for others. I had to. I had to. I had to. Please help me :'(

By the way, this entry is as a reminder for myself. So I won't be a lousy person. I am a person full of commitment and I am committed to my duties.

Few quotes as a reminder:

Untuk berusaha semampunya dengan sepenuh kudrat yang dikurnakan-Nya bukan mencari alasan semampunya.

The best of people are those that bring the most benefit to the rest of mankind- Muhammad p.b.u.h. (Daratquni, hasan)

"We need an intellectual jihad: clarifying our terminology, understanding both our texts and context, reconciling our words and behaviour" - Prof Tariq Ramadan

"Islam is about reconciliation. Reconciling the self with the essential self, conscience with fitra, mind with heart… the path to peace" - Prof Tariq Ramadan

Definition of reconcile: 1]Make (one thing) compatible with (another) 2]Bring into consonance or accord [WordWeb dictionary]

Saturday, July 13, 2013

biarkan ia berlalu

bukan mudah nak melalui hidup
apatah lagi nak mengharungi kepayahan yang ada padanya

mudah untuk berpesan
payah untuk melakukan

tidak mudah untuk menjadi pendengar setia
perit lagi untuk menjadi pembimbing akal dan jiwa

tatkala diajukan soalan
berkenaan masalah hidup
baik keluarga, perhubungan, persahabatan, kewangan atau apa pun jua

mudah benar diri berkata
sabarlah, Allah kan ada
sabarlah, jalan keluar pasti akan terbuka
sabarlah, keadaan akan menjadi baik jua

mudah benar diri memberikan contoh
insan lain yang lebih perit
insan lain yang terseksa akibat peperangan
insan lain yang hidup bagaikan tiada lagi tujuan

tapi diri ini
Allah, kerdilnya sungguh
lemahnya amat
hinanya tak terucap

"jangan sesekali nak benchmark saya dengan orang lain!"

tidak bermaksud begitu
asalnya bertujuan untuk memberi semangat
dan kekuatan
agar timbulnya keinginan untuk hidup
agar tegarnya pengharapan pada-Nya

jadi aku membisu
kerana otakku seakan membeku
tindakanku menjadi kaku

aku tak berniat untuk menjauh
cuma aku takut andai kau menjauh akibat perbuatanku
aku tidak takut andai kau menjauh dariku
aku cuma tidak mahu kau menjauh dari-Nya

maaf, aku cuma tidak tahu
dan tidak mampu

Allah, ampunkan aku dan dirinya
pelihara kami ya Allah,
lindungi kami ya Allah.

Friday, July 12, 2013

to face the horror


Peace and grace be upon Allah the almighty

alhamdulillah, now I am in my final year =)
this doesn't come cheap, it comes with lots of horror as well
and I think, the lecturers are at the top of those horror.
even more haha :D
well, I know to be afraid of them is funny or perhaps inappropriate
but, when they were fierce, we would not want to be their prey right?
I realize that I am becoming more timid each day
Perhaps having inferior complex as well
I hope and I will try my best not to be afraid unnecessarily and try my best to answer questions after deep thought :)
O Allah, do grant my teachers with Your blessings and kindness, for through them, You grant me part of Your knowledge

Saturday, June 29, 2013

masihkah kau ingat?

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani

Minggu yang pertama :D

dimulakan dengan niat kerana-Nya
untuk berusaha sebaik-baiknya
dengan harapan untuk menjadi yang paling bermanfaat
dengan azam untuk kekal tabah dan kuat

tapi tak lama
beberapa hari yang berlalu hampir meragut senyuman dari wajahku
Allah, lemahnya diri ini
diri dikuatkan
dengan berbagai cara
maka terus melangkah
tapi nyata rebah

Allahu rabbi, Engkau tahu sedalam-dalamnya apa yang di hatiku tanpa perlu aku berkata
biar ku merintih sayu,
Engkau sentiasa mendengar,
bila mana ku tertawa ria,
Engkau tetap setia di sisi.

masakan ada yang sanggup buat macam tu kan?
sayangnya Allah pada kita.

teringat kata diri sendiri pada seorang sahabat bilamana air matanya berderai laju dek kerana hirisan kata-kata insan lain: "biarlah, mungkin dia tidak tahu. kita sabar je"

senyum ^.^

to forgive is the fastest way of relief

All the wrong words can kill yet I would want to remember all the kind words that heal instead =]

jzkk kpd shbt kecik yang mengingatkan saya ttg ini ;)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Of BTN and PPD Camp 3

I prepared myself for the worst ever. Just in case. Well, we should always hope for the best and prepare for the worst. So that was what I did for this camp.

We departed.

It was a long journey but I couldn't deny the anxiety and excitement I felt when I saw that camp.

The first day passed by after some briefing by Pak Zainal and election of Penghulu and Penghuluwati. After a little bit of rehearsal for tomorrow's talk and marching, the first day  came to an end.

Second day.

The talk.

Sounded good. The speaker was not biased, open-minded and not too bad (as I thought it would- pity me, I could have had positive perception). Well, in short, alhamdulillah. It would be too long if I were to make this like a diary entry- which I am not keen of. To put it simply, except for a few irritating minutes during the second night, the BTN camp was superb, something that was beyond expectation :) Kudos to the facilitators.

This BTN camp definitely helped us to love the country to a greater extent (if you actually appreciate it), developed strong team spirit and many more positive values.

Just a few learning points I wish to highlight so I won't forget:
  1. Focus. This is vital. Don't do things in auto-pilot mode. 
  2. Relationship bonding requires effort. Despite of the differences, there would always be similarities for us to embrace.
  3. Trust. Hard to build, easy to break. Careful with whom you trust and protect it well. Miscommunication can easily lead cause irreversible damage to the trust you had built so far.
  4. Positive values are meant to be appreciated and practised. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.  Appreciate the strengths, strengthen the weaknesses. Never belittles someone else's opinion or effort. A team player- who you are (amanah, teliti, bertanggungjawab, jujur, etc.)
  5. Task=something that you have to do despite of your choice/own will. Do it with passion and love. They are meant for you and you are responsible to get them done. Voicing out your dissatisfaction with anger is not helping at all. If anything need to be clarified, do it with appropriate manners and language. 
  6. There is no harm to have smiling faces. They are just so welcoming and soothing :)
  7. To encourage other people. Positive remarks definitely helped boost the spirit and motivation.

A climb is never easy and the choice is always yours.
I choose to strive! Let us give our best~
*jzkk to my dearie friend for the pic*

For the PPD camp, it was the best ever and really, it was an eye-opener. For me to take things more seriously, to appreciate every single opportunity, to participate in any possible way, to be responsible and show positive attitudes all the time.

The time spent was priceless.  Despite of the tiring activities, this camp was like a wonderful break, away from the anxious and frightening thoughts of starting the final year. Yet, this camp prepared us well to face this final year with our best, insyaAllah.  


  1. to treat people like how you want to be treated.
  2. to be a good leader@team player.
  3. to have proper documentation.
  4. to have positive thinking and attitudes at all times.
  5. to have a good financial planning and excellent execution. 
  6. to manage self well. Self-reflect. Self-regulate. Self-correct. Professional.
  7. to be close to Allah and this is always the priority.

Alhamdulillah I am about to arrive at my beloved college soon. Hopefully, all the lessons learnt would be put into practise throughout my entire life. InsyaAllah. 

May Allah return goodness to everyone who had contributed to the camp in any possible way.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

laugh and tears

I often smile suddenly, especially when walking alone. So people would often give that apehal-la-budak-ni look.
That smile might be because I suddenly thought of you, or funny things,
or perhaps I purposely recall them to stop the tears from flowing :D

O Allah the Pacifier, grant us happiness and faith, for only to You we ask from

Monday, May 6, 2013

Resam pertandingan

Ada menang
Ada kalah

Semua pun berjuang
Ada yang santun
Ada yang mulia
Ada yang kasar
Juga yang biadap

Kekalahan ini pasti ada hikmahnya
Pasti ada sebabnya

Kerana tarbiyah belum cukup mantap
Dakwah belum menjadi amalan
Qudwah yang baik bukan sentiasa diikutkan
Tindakan dan tutur kata melampau bisa menjauhkan kemenangan
Moga diri takkan pernah lelah berusaha demi kebenaran
Menerima teguran
Memperbetulkan keadaan

Pesan buat diri:
Biar hina pada pandangan insan tetapi mulia pada pandangan Dia

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Part of history

On this date, I urge myself to be part of history. And I bet million others are doing the same. Voicing out own's voice and right, praying for justice and the best.

One can never be clever enough to say s/he knows everything.
Still, Allah knows everything. Of what had, what is and what will happen.
One can never be discreet enough to allow no one to somehow see through his/her mind.
So SPR assure 100% confidentiality. People can only trust in the promise and do their part.
Allah always keeps His words and His wrath and punishment awaits those who don't.
One can always hope, give their utmost effort and pray for the best. Nothing is eternal except Allah. Even the heaven and earth will crumble upon His will.

O Allah who listens to the prayer of His servants, O Allah who observes and knows everything,  O Allah who is the All-Provider, we pray for the best of ummah in this country. Protect us with Your blessings and love. Grant us Your forgiveness and mercy. To no else shall we pray and hope. Only to You alone.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

tolong saya

assalamualaikum wbt.

awak, pilihan raya da dekat, boleh x nak minta awak doakan agar kemenangan berpihak pada Islam dan agar saya menjadi sebahagian dari mereka yang memperjuangkan kemenangan itu.

awak, saya dan kawan-kawan da nak masuk tahun akhir, doakan kejayaan kami, doakan kami terus kuat dan tabah untuk teruskan perjuangan ini.

awak, andai diri ini tidak lagi mampu untuk bertemu dengan awak, maafkan saya tapi saya harap awak takkan berhenti berdoa untuk saya :')

Monday, February 18, 2013


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.


Tidaklah begitu mudah.
Tapi lebih mudah dari tindakan.

Cakap senangla.

Islam menempelak sikap CaTakSeruKin (61:2-3)
Agar kita lakukan apa yang kita katakan.
Agar tidak kita lupa apa yang pernah kita cakapkan.

Pernah tak kita terfikir,
nasihat yang kita bagi untuk orang lain,
sebenarnya nasihat untuk diri kita jugak?
motivasi dan kata-kata semangat yang dihadiahkan buat sahabat yang bersedih,
juga ditujukan buat diri kita?

betul, cuma adakalanya, teringin mendengarnya daripada orang lain :')



Friday, February 15, 2013

da ok da

assalamualaikum wbt

Pertamanya, minta maaf andai entry ini mengguris hati sesiapa, tak berniat pun. Hanya sebagai tempelak dan peringatan buat diri sendiri.

Selalu sangat stress.
Hmm, sape yang tak tu, teruskan kebagusan anda. Alhamdulillah.

Kenapa stress?
Sebab salah sendiri.
Tahu diri malas tapi xmerajinkan diri.
Tahu diri jahil tapi xmencari tarbiyah.
Tahu hati keras lagi hitam tapi xmencari penawar.
Tahu banyak dosa tapi susahnya untuk menjauhkan diri.

Na'uzubillah. Astaghfirullah.

Tapi kenapa tajuk 'da ok da'?
Sebab selalu je orang lain cakap:
"xpe, awak cekang" (taw ke maksud cekang nih? kalau xtaw, tanya org utara k?)
"awak kan da baik"
"awak mesti boleh punya"
"alah, awak, pasti xde masalah"

secara jujurnya, memang selalu rasa mcm da ok bila dengar kata-kata mcm ni (walaupun stress jgk).
dulu pernah berkata pada diri sendiri untuk tidak berkata sedemikian pada sahabat lain,
sebab taw stress yang mungkin diundang dengan kata-kata tersebut...
tapi setelah sekian lama, lupa pada kata2 tersebut dan sering kali mencampakkan frasa2 di atas kpd kawan2 *maaf ye sahabat :'(
**ada kalanya frasa2 tersebut mendatangkan semangat dan motivasi namun ada masanya sebaliknya berlaku

tapi tadi terfikir...
akan ungkapan: "Allah tak lihat pada hasilnya, tapi Allah lihat pada usaha"
dalam kes yang sedemikian,
habislah saya =.='
kalau betul pun selama ni saya 'lepas' sebab saya ni cekang, walaupun usaha saya hanyalah ibarat habuk jika dibandingkan dengan kawan2, tak ke Allah murka dengan saya?
*nak nanges*
andai saya sepatutnya memanfaatkan segala yang ada tapi tidak kerana saya hanya boleh malas dan 'lepas cukup-cukup makan'...tidakkah nanti Allah akan persoalkan?


p/s: rindu, rindu dan rindu. berkecamuk sudah. astaghfirullah. Ya Hannan, Ya Mannan, jgn sesekali Engkau biarkan aku menetapkan nasib diriku walau dalam kadar sekelip mata atau lebih cepat dari itu...

"tanda cinta ialah berterusan rajin dan bersungguh-sungguh dengan kerinduan" -Junaid al-baghdadi

Quote to be realized: Do what you need to do in order to do what you want to do

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

when things are not going your way

we are upset.

forgotten one thing: this is what Allah wanted.


perhaps we feel so


we knew that we had not given our best
we were laid back
we took it for granted

so we wanted to turn back the time.

hmm3. it is too late...

Ya Hannan, Ya Mannan, never leave us on our own. Grant us Your Mercy and Guidance in every seconds of our life and in time shorter than that.

p/s: we are bound to have exams in life right? we would even have Q&A by Munkar and Nakir... Please, pray the best for all of us

Friday, February 8, 2013

I could say nothing less or more


for you:) May Allah ease your way and grant you happiness and serenity always:)

Thursday, February 7, 2013


For love is a gift of God
Often, it is misinterpreted
Making it dull and ugly
Even hurtful
When it should have been beautiful,
Harmonious and lovely.
Just as the name goes... Love.

May your love and my love
Be a sacred one
May it be
A guided one
Not the one which will lead you astray

Take love as it is
For it is a creation of God
Never deem it ugly
As it never is
Unless you made it so.

O Allah, I believe, there is always a meaning behind everything ^.^

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The first man I love :)

Assalamualaikum wbt

It had been more than 3 weeks;
The birthday of the man whom I first love and still love the most :)
*sorry sebab lambat*


-we all do-

Ayah yang paling baik, cool, hebat,
Siyes betul ap yg mek ckp: ayah la McGiver ktorg~
Ayah memang garang, tapi marah kan tanda sayang <3 p="">

Masa kecik, bila nangis, ayah akan marah,
tapi bila da besar, baru faham, tangisan bukanlah segalanya…
Ayah marah bila baca komik masa makan,
Tapi sekarang da tau betapa besarnya barakah n nikmat di sebalik dapat makan tu. Sebab tu ayah nak anak2 hargai betul2
Banyak lagi yang ayah selalu marah masa kecik2 dulu.
Ayah marah, marah, marah, tapi sentiasa betulkan.
Jadi bila da betulkan pun buat salah lagi, memang patut la kene marah l kn >.<
Tapi tula banyak yang belajar kn?
Yang menjadikan diri ini siapa sekarang.
Terima kasih byk2 (maaf sgt2 jgk bg yg kurang tu)

Ayah garang, tp suka buat lawak :D
Ayah muka bengis, tapi manis sgt bila senyum ;)
Ayah mgkin hitam manis, tp tetap paling hensem(oops kacak) :)
Ayah xbyk ckp, tp sentiasa penuh dgn hikmah
Ayah selalu risaukn ktorg, tapi xpernah ragu utk letak kepercayaan pd anak2
Banyak lagi, tp simpan je la dulu...

Semoga anak ayah ni akan membawa kebahagiaan utk ayah mek dunia n akhirat;
Semoga ayah xkan pernah jemu utk mendidik n menasihat anak2 ayah;
Semoga keluarga kita akan kekal bahagia n harmoni.

Ayah xperlu jd seperti sesiapa yg terhebat dlm ap jua bidang pun, sebab ayah akn tetap jd ayah yg terbaik utk mah:) 

You always love to love your children and there is no better love a child can get. Because of that, it is impossible for us beat your love. Yet, we would still do our best to give the best of love <3 p="">

O Allah, please make us the children who are the kindest to their parents.

Love is a verb. *trying hard to walk this*

I'm sorry if I am not quite an all star  :P

p/s: it would always make me smile n happppyy whenever someone pointed out anything I have in common with ayah n mek :)

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